Important Information from Kincardine Municipal Airport - COVID 19 UPDATE Effective September 1, 2020

It has become clear that the world faces a challenge with the COVID19 Virus. Like you, we want to take measures to help keep our communities, staff and our families safe and healthy.

Airports play a Vital Roll in the Emergency Management Plan for our Communities and we will continue to provide our services to ensure the safety of our Aviation Partners as well as the Community as we move forward during these unprecedented times.

COVID 19 UPDATE Effective September 1, 2020

The terminal is now open to serve the aviation public to a maximum of two persons at a time to use the washroom facilities and then exit the building.

All Provincial Safety Measures will be observed and a Mask must be worn and safe distancing observed as well as hand sanitizing.

Air side operations and maintenance projects will continue as usual. 

You can continue to communicate with our Staff by phone 519-396-4454 or by email

We will continue to monitor events and work closely with the Municipality to actively assess the risks as this situation progresses. 

Airport operations will adapt as necessary to meet recommendations with the goal of preserving public safety and supporting the Community with Air Services as required.

We thank you for your understanding as we move forward.

Kincardine Municipal Airport 

Kincardine Airport Terminal renovations continue with new roof, new observation windows, and now new windows in the rest of the building to complete project.

Kincardine airport terminal renovations now complete with new windows installed and a new steel roof
Kincardine airport terminal renovations now complete.
Kincardine Renovations

You never know who will get off a plane at an airport.  Airport service provider Stephen Rouse with Mario Andretti.